Sunday, August 25, 2013

Important decision: gap year, yes or no?

Have you ever got to that point in life that you don't know what to do, literally. You may have a no-end list of options and possibilites but you don't know which one to choose.
Most of these decisions comes up when you finish a period or stage or call it whatever you like and you are about to enter in a new one. Example: you finish highschool and you don't know whether you should continue studying, start working or travel or whatever. Right now I am at this point but my situation is a bit more complicated than that. 

It goes like this, this next year should be my 4th and last year in my bachelor degree at the university of Girona, but due to bad structure, organisation and understanding the subjects I will be able to choose for my next student year are most awfull and I really don't try to offend any professor of my university if they read this(which I doubt) but there are a few subjects that are just better not to do.

Due to this situation I have reached the point that I am seriously considering on going on a gap year or sabatical or "half sabatical" or call it a break if you want to. But is this really a good option? And what should I do? Work, study, travel...?

PROS on going on a gap year:

1- I would probably have more freedom and would not be attached to one place do to the studying and I could travel more without counting the classes I've missed in order not to fail.
2- I am 21 for god's sake! I can take a break from whatever I am doing, it is the time to make mistakes and fail. Because if I don't do it now when will it be? When I am 35 with probably a child or two, is it going to be then when I realise that I could've tried to see more the world or try to reach some of my dreams but I didn't?
3- I would sign in for a couple of subjects to keep track on the university, but it would be  subjects such as languages that it would be not so strictly necessary to atend the lessons as I guess and hope I would/will pass them with no problem.

4- I could maybe in this gap year try to find out my real passion, give a year for me. Try new things, get to know new people. Just give it all and not think with my brain but with my heart.

Cons on going on gap year:
1- Even though I would sign up for a couple of subjects I would probably end up loosing track on the university.

This is right now the only and main reason that keeps me away from going on a gap year. 

And then comes the second and probably most important question: 

What to do during the gap year?

Because it is easy to want to go away, but with no plans or thoughts it would end up being a year thrown in to the trash, because one thing I don't like, is to waste my time. 

So at this point there are a few options that have been coming up on my mind

Brandenburger Tor, Berlin
AƱadir leyenda
The first and most probable one is to go to Germany(for everybody who knows me and usually reads this blog know my girlfriend is German and that she lives there), probably to the capital city, Berlin. And there try to learn as much German as I can, write and blog a lot, maybe find a job, get to know how it is to live in a big city, get out of my comfort zone and maybe make a course that would allow me to be a teacher of Spanish in any foreign country in the world.

Map of New ZealandThe second one(less probable one) is to try to convince my girlfriend to fly a couple of months or six to New Zealand to collect fruits, which at least as far as I have been informed it is a very hard job but well paid, which is exactly what I need: a life changing adventure with the person I love the most in the world and to earn some money. I am writing this here because as far as I am concerned, my girlfriend doesn not read this blog so that is nothing I would have to worry about.

So now my last but not least question is: What should I do? Opinions? Gap year or not? Where? Any answer is more than welcome.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I can understand it is an important decision you have to choose. But the question is, what do you really want to do? You only are 21 years old and is the age you start to become mature and self-sufficient. Think from your heart, is the best way you can be happy in your unic life. You can do it right now.. later? who knows. Try and cheer up!
